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Immerse yourself in the illustrious and colorful world of

Alexander Biggen xanderbig digital artwork:

Enjoy abstract and surreal imagery, image and photo

compositions, collages and portraits.


As an independent artist, i enjoy the creative freedom for

the realization of full self determined purposes.

So, also very independent designs can be realized.

I provide myself again and again the exciting challenge,

to give visual and visionary fantasies its visible form.


I am willing to take with my avantgarde creations,

pioneering role in the digital artwork.

I always feel obliged to self defined high quality criteria

and my pursuit of perfection.


In my artwork graphics and digital image editing, you will

recognize the passion for design, creative patience and

attention to details.


The subject is created with crayon, brush, camera or

directly on the computer.

And is then transformed into a new dimension. 


All facets of the zeitgeist, reflections from the

past tense and perspectives of the future are

incorporated into my works.


So, the result of many hours of intense creativity

and always new subtile modifications is a visible

work from experience and fiction.


Select a picture from my artcollection.

As a certified artwork or limited edition.


Or let me design your own individual digital  artwork.

In dialogue with you and integration of your ideas

results your original picture.

Unique, as you and an expression of your personality.


As an aesthetic highlight for your home area.


Or outstanding eye catcher for your daily

business ambience.


As a gift for yourself, for dear friends or for good

business partners.


And as an investment.

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